Friday, March 21, 2008

2-month "Well Baby" Check-up

Kate had her 2-month check up today, and here are her "stats":

weight: 9 lbs (16 %)
height: 23 in (84 %)
head circumference: 14.5 in (14 %)

Imagine that ... the length is up there in percentiles!! :-p

The next weigh-in / check-up is not until her 4-month birthday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kate's Pals That Came to Visit!

Here are some pics of our friends who came to meet Kate in her first hours, days, and weeks...

Brittney & Scott & their daughter Brinlie (born 4 months before Kate)

Suzette :-)

Tim & Kris

Jenni & her son, Noah (born 1 mo. before Kate)

Carolyn's "lil sis"- Tiana

Linda :-)

Sue :-)


Emily & Kate @ ~3wks

Michelle & Kate @ 6wks

P.J. & Kate @ 8wks

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

6 weeks old

Monday, March 3, 2008

Uncle Craig Visits - Feb/March

Carolyn's brother, Craig, came out to meet his first niece at the end of February. We mostly "chilled" at the house, since Kate was just 5 weeks old BUT ... we did venture out to a Colorado College hockey game and to a coffee/tea house on Saturday evening. Kate was the youngest spectator at the hockey game, as far as we could tell!

Uncle Craig & Grammy Gorman

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bradley Friends & The Bradley Babies!!

We got together for dinner with friends from our "Bradley Birthing Class" tonight. Here are some pics & a little video of all the Bradley Babies … Noah (born 12/21), Olivia (born 12/26) , Kate (1/21), and Conner (born 1/30)! ['Bradley method' means that mamma delivered completely naturally with no drugs ... go mammas!]

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Grammy & Papa (Gorman) come all the way from Texas…

Well, they bought their plane tickets before Kate was born (convinced that she would be a few days late (her due date was January 30th)…so Grammy and Papa got here mid-February, just in time for Papa’s 58th birthday! Papa stayed for 1 week, and Grammy stayed for 2 weeks. She and Uncle Craig had a 1 night overlap, which was nice. Grammy was so sweet and cooked us many yummy dinners! We celebrated Kate's ONE-MONTH birthday while the grandparents were here, so that was fun! You'll see the "famous" video below...taken by Papa, edited by Uncle Craig to include appropriate music. See whatchya think!

Kate's 1-month BIRTHDAY!!
Look at my cute dress from Aunt Mandy!