Monday, April 21, 2008

3-month birthday!

My how time flies! (I bet you'll see this statement repeatedly throughout our blog in the future.) We cannot believe that Kate is already 1/4 of a year old! She's becoming very "talkative" and we've posted a little video (below) so you can hear her adorable voice. Mom's on her 2nd week back to work (full-time) and misses her little darling so much. Dad stays home with Kate for now, and the two of them are bonding beautifully. Mom gets to bring Kate to work with her a couple times a week, and she is so grateful for that! One big change that's happened this month is that Shadow is finally warming up to Kate. She likes to give Kate kisses (on the mouth - ewww), so we have to watch out for that. Kate absolutely loves it!

This darling little outfit is on loan from Kate's buddy Brinlie across the street. Thanks Brin!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Getting Cuter By the Minute!

Kate smiles up a storm these days. She's also "talking" more & more ... discovering her voice. We just LOVE it! And I'm pretty sure she gave me a giggle last night, and I've been trying my darndest to get her to do it again!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

1st Baseball Game!

Tonight, Kate stayed up late & went to her first baseball game with Mom & her "little sis" Tiana. Big Brothers Big Sisters had free tickets for the Sky Sox, our local AAA team. The seats were great! Actually the seats were too good... made Mom a little nervous to be sitting RIGHT behind home plate with those foul balls and having a little baby in her lap. So, we went up to the concession area and just walked around back and forth. Tiana was a good sport about it ;-)

Monday, April 7, 2008

She's a movin' & a shakin'

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our trip to Florida - Easter

We went on a family trip to Florida on the 20th of March for a little vacation (Kate's 1st plane ride!). We had planned on staying a week and a half, but we extended it a few days because we were having so much fun. We spent several days in the condo with the McCallister grandparents. We all went to a sunrise Easter service on the beach. Grandpa took us on a boat ride to a waterside restaurant (Kate's 1st boat ride!). Grandma & Grandpa went back to Virginia after a few days, and we continued to take out the boat several times. We went towards Boca one Saturday and discovered that the sandbar in Boca harbor is the place to hang out with a hundred other boats.

We also took a road trip down south to the FL keys. We had just seen a tv special on the best beaches in FL, and one was called Bahia Hondo. It is a Key about 30 miles North of Key West. We hung out on the beach there for several hours and took a dip in the ocean (Kate's 1st dip in the ocean - just her feet). Ahhh, she loved it though (like her mamma). She just talked and "coo"ed for such a long time while we were at the beach. It was great! We continued onto Key West and ate dinner before we headed home.

We also had plenty of fun at the boardwalk along the beach and at the condo pool. We reluctantly returned to CO on the 5th of April. Mom had to start back to work on April 15th.... boo hoo.