Saturday, May 31, 2008


All I can say is ... awwwwwwwwwwwww.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trip to Austin

Here are pictures from our surprise visit to the Gorman residence from 22-27 May. They knew that Mandy and Denny were coming to town, but they had no idea that the McCallisters were showing up as well. We went to breakfast at a neat Crepe place in South Austin. We also went to the Dell Diamond to see the local AAA team.

Uncle Denny gets Kate to dance! Sing it Denny!

Crepe Trailer in Austin!

RR Express Baseball Game!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Close encounters w/Mountain Lions!

Kate & I ventured to Colorado Springs's Cheyenne Mountain Zoo last night to the new "Rocky Mountain Wild" exhibit. Fun mommy-daughter time! Neat mountain lion exhibit!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm 4 months old!

Happy Birthday to me!! I even let mom get a video of me rolling over. Aren't I cute? After my "well check-up" tomorrow with the doc, we'll let you know how much I weigh and how TALL I am already!!
weight: 11 lbs 11 oz (16th percentile)
height: 25 inches (84th percentile)
head circ: 15.75 inches (29th percentile)

THANK YOU Connie, for my FABULOUS quilt!!! Faaan-cy!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kate's 1st Bowling Team...

This weekend, our family & friends participated in "Bowl for Kids Sake" - an event benefiting Big Brother Big Sisters. It was a superman-themed event, soooo ... take a look at our team name :-)

HUGE THANK YOUs to everyone who supported our team! We raised $958!!! yay!

Brinlie & Brittney; lil Kate & mom

Kim, Tricia, sleepy lil Kate & mom

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kate rolled over!!

She's been trying hard the past two days, and alas -- tonight she rolled from her back to front! She was even able to pull her arms out from under her as she looked all around -- and was so proud of herself! We're also proud of her...our little rolly-poly sweetpea!

Monday, May 5, 2008


Here's our giggle bunny....

Don't you just LOVE those adorable baby sounds?? :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

1st Trip to the Zoo!!

Well, this was a first for the WHOLE family (except Shadow...she doesn't do well at zoos). :-p

On a whim, we decided to take a trip to Denver yesterday to go the Denver Zoo. It was a gorgeous day!! Kate actually seemed to take an interest in some of the animals IF they were moving the monkeys! We enjoyed watching Kate's responses to the monkeys the most. It was so cute!

see the cheetahs? "look pretty camouflaged to me, but I get the strange feeling I'm being watched!"

elephant - "big gray thing; I don't get it!"

"ooooo - look at the pretty blue water ... what polar bear??"

"me and daddy are like peas in a pod"

"Whew.. the zoo wore me out! I feel asleep while reading my favorite book."