Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 months old!

Somehow, we've ended up with a 5-month old today! She's as cute as ever. Kate's a rolly poly - makes diaper-changing more challenging! She may also be teething...she's quite the drooler and she loves the cold teething ring and the vibrating teething toy. We see little bits of white showing through on her lower gums. We'll keep you posted.

Other things Kate's doing lately ... she grabs her feet all the time & sometimes tries to nibble on her toes ... she LOVES drinking out of mommy's ice water glasses (trying to be a "big girl" too fast) ... and she's starting to try to wave hello & ba-bye to people!

Thanks to Kate's pal, Noah, for letting us borrow the coffee cup! Adorable!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Father's Day ... and more!

Yes, yes, we've been slacking with updating the blog this past month. We're trying to catch up all at once now. Gene enjoyed his first father's day. We celebrated by going out to the brewery and sneaking Kate into a movie (Indiana Jones).

THANKS Aunt Pammy for my purdy quilt. Momma keeps it at her work,
and I play on it when I visit her ... about twice a week!

Grammi & Papa think they're funny. They bought me this onesie when I was going through a fussy spell.
It says "recovering colic". :-p

Tummy time!
Yay! Shadow made it to the blog!

Father's Day weekend!
[by the way - thank you Susan & Pete for the adorable outfit (love the color!)]

Father's Day

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reunion from Bradley Birthing Class

Today, we went to a picnic at our Bradley instructor's house and got to catch up with friends and folks from our birthing class. Below are pics of Kate, Connor (10 days younger), and Noah (1 mo. older).

Tummy Time Pow-Wow

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stanley Canyon Hike

These are pictures of Kate's first hike. We went up Stanley Canyon on the Air Force Academy property. It is only 4 miles round trip, but the first mile has at least a 2,000-ft vertical rise. Kate invited her friend Noah on the hike, so we invited Noah's parents Jenni and Brian.