Thursday, November 26, 2009

Don't miss 'em!

Don't miss all the posts from October that I snuck in below ... there's Halloween, pumpkin patches and the visit to the Dandies' ... and more!

Pics from November excursion to AZ and FL coming soon ...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kate's famous!

Check out the scrolling photos on the homepage for the new website of Palmer Land Trust (the place where I used to work) to see Kate and the horsies!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

You'll LOVE this video!

Well, I'm behind on blogging -- I have lots of pics to post from October but... I can't do that right now. I just had to post the video from tonight. We were eating dinner, and I decided to give Kate some noodles, and I started singing a silly song, and Kate ... well ... you'll see!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Visiting the Dandies--a quick weekend getaway

Kate and Mommy took another trip go visit Carolyn's sister. Kate was a superstar on the two airplane rides on the way out there! yay! It was a special occasion as Carolyn's nephew, Jude, was getting dedicated. Jude's super adorable, and getting so big! He's barely 5 months old and can hardly squeeze into the 3-6month clothes (whereas his cousin, Kate, wore this size until she was about 9-10months! We went on neighborhood walks, played at the park, and went to storytime and the neat-o Fayetteville library.

University of Arkansas campus -- loves crunchin on those fall leaves!

Jude: "Ahhh, it's exhausting being this cute ....."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

We have some friends who've been passing down all their daughter's clothes to Kate...very sweet! We even got her Halloween costume -- a bat. When I saw it in the bag of clothes, I thought -- naa, probably not...but then I put it on Kate...and well, it was stinkin' cute! So yes, Kate was a cute little black and purple bat this year, and I put together a silly bat costume for myself too! Well, then I actually randomly found some doggie batwings and couldn't resist buying those soooo.... there were 3 batgirls in the house ... until Tiana told me that she was going to a Halloween party and she picked up a real, live batgirl costume...and viola! 4 batgirls!!

We went to a little Halloween event at our gym on Friday night, and then down to Old Colorado City on Saturday afternoon (which is becoming a tradition -- 2nd year in a row) with our friends, the Hellands and the Flights. It was like 70 degrees out that day... an absolutely gorgeous fall day!