Sunday, July 11, 2010

Downtown Denver with the Dandies

Kate and I got to sneak in a quick visit with my sister and her family cuz they were in Denver *on business*, so Kate and I took care of Jude for 'em! We walked ALL around and had lots of fun! Jude's walking, running, and climbing all over the place - big changes since the last time we saw him--which was a WHOLE SIX MONTHS AGO! Eek!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Boulder Hike w/Lynda

Turned out to be a rainy afternoon, but we still went tromping around Chataqua for a little bit. There were beautiful blooming sweet peas!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Carolyn's 35th BDAY!

Well, we had SO MUCH fun for my birthday this year. Started with a *skate rink* bday party, and then we all went out for pizza, and THEN the chics went to see the new Twilight movie-- OMG...loved it! Ya - secret's out -- Carolyn is a big FAN! Addicted actually. And oh yes -- I did wear pigtails to celebrate, and talked my friends into it too! ha!