Saturday, November 22, 2008

10 months old! Once we blog, we can't stop!

Well, if you're just finally getting the chance to look at the blog, shame on you! Look at all you've been missing over these past 2 months! Hee hee, actually I've been doing a plethora of postings in the past 24 hours.

Ahhh, our lil baby is looking more like a little girl .. and here I go again, but where the heck does the time go?? In case you're wondering, Kate is not crawling. She can do 360's on her tush and on her belly; she can reach WAY out in front of herself to grab a toy and then push herself right back up to sitting position; she'll be up on her hands & knees ...just to entertain us...but then the head goes down & she's back on her belly. Not interested in crawling just yet, which I guess is good for us! :)

As you can witness below, Kate can dance and she can clap. We love getting her to do these things - especially when she thinks she wants to be upset - and, instead, she's suddenly clapping or movin' to the beat because mom or dad started singing or playing one of her musical toys. This is very entertaining. Cry...boogy...waaaaaa...clap & smile...sad! Good stuff!

She's got 2 teeth on the bottom, and almost 4 teeth on top! She's gotten exceptionally good at waving - especially at herself (in the mirror), at the dog, and at inanimate objects.

All bundled up for an afternoon walk with dad and the doggie!

Yep, I'm good just hanging out like this


Pamcakes said...

oh my gosh - I can't believe how big she has gone...good luck w/the crawling...maybe she'll pull a theo and skip the crawl and just start walking!