March 27th: SNOW! We actually have not had hardly any snow this winter. Of course this would be the case, since Kate asked Santa for a sled and a snowsuit for Christmas. Finally we got to bust this stuff out. She's only used it maybe 3 times. Ugh.
We’ve been reading to Kate since she was a wee little baby, and she really loves her books!
Kate’s been practicing walking. Her friend, Brinlie, loaned her this lil lion which she loves pushing around the house!
Easter Weekend: Mom & Kate flew 'solo' to TX for a whirlwind trip to see the fam. Carolyn's brother would be moving ALL the way out to Maryland soon, so it was a good time to get the whole family together (not an easy thing with each sibling living in a different state and parents living in TX!).
April 13th: Kate always wants to be up in our business … so here she is – content - not screaming - & glad that mommy lets her up in the counter while she works in the kitchen!
April 18th: Finally found some time to take Kate in to the KIDDIE BARBER SHOP for her 1st little haircut. She did great! No surprise considering the super-fun surroundings!
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